Today I'd like to share a few questions that might help you during your matching. It definetly helped me to get to know the families. Also, they were very impressed by my questions. So here you go!
- what is the favorite time of the day for the kids?
- what do you most love about the kids and what would you like to change?
- what are your favorite activities to do as a family?
- why did you decide to have an au pair instead of a nanny?
- What is a problem you had with your previous au pair? How did you solve it? How could we avoid it?
- What is the kids routine?
- What are they're favorite dishes?
- What would you do if one of them is throwing a tantrum or misbehaving in general?
- what are the 3 most important rules you have regarding the kids?
Especially towards behavior ex. please and thank you, respect, kindness etc. - Can I talk with your past/current Au Pair?
If they forbid contact until you matched, it is a huge red flag that they are hiding something! It may take some time of getting to know until they support contact to the previous au pair.
Obviously, you need to ask them questions that you can't just ask everyone depending on their interests, Also, make sure you ask questions regarding every single family member so you can make sure they really fit!
I hope I was able to help you at least a little bit!